Restrictions of foreign nurse recruitment: who can work as a nurse in Germany?
From a candidate perspective, making the bold decision to find work in another country is never easy and you should be as well informed as possible. From an employer perspective, it is crucial to understand which regions you may legally recruit from. So the first question to ask is: who can apply to work as a nurse in Germany? The answer to this question is closely tied to the World Health Organization (WHO) best-practices for the global recruitment of healthcare staff.
Coming to Germany to work is the ultimate dream for many professionals around the world, including nurses, which are in high demand with over 50.000 open job vacancies. Any German healthcare institutions – hospitals, elderly care homes and other medical facilities – are eager to recruit foreign nurses.
Who can apply for a nursing job in Germany?
It depends on where candidates live, not so much where they come from. We have broken down the answer into two geographic categories:
The progression and re-evaluation of the WHO shortlist:
The WHO-shortage list is determined by two main factors:
This list was only recently updated: while the current list from 2023 reports 55 regions with healthcare staffing shortage, the previous lists from 2020 and 2006 included 47 and 57 countries respectively. We want to congratulate Cambodia, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Morocco, Iraq, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru and Kenya for having addressed and strengthened their local healthcare staffing ecosystem over the past 14 years.
Care With Care´s philosophy of recruitment
Care With Care appreciates the notion of protecting countries in need of their own healthcare professionals and is therefore committed to only recruit from regions outside of the WHO shortlist of countries. We also believe in forming partnerships with nursing schools and universities around the world in order to attract more talent into the healthcare professions.
Care With Care´s mission is to provide under- and unemployed nurses the opportunity to come to Germany and work as a registered nurse. If you currently live in a region outside of the WHO shortlist and are interested in working in Germany as a nurse, or you are an employer interested in recruiting foreign staff, we invite you to visit our page Work in Germany and contact us.
Care With Care was launched in 2012 by Laura Esnaola and Dr. Steffen Zoller to offer a transparent and honest recruitment service for German healthcare institutions and nurse professionals around the world. Read more about our values and how we got started in our Harvard Business Manager article.
Article last updated: 31st March 2023
News and stories about nursing jobs in Europe